Create your ThruTalk campaign

This guide walks you through creating your ThruTalk campaign step-by-step.


Campaign details

When creating a campaign, you'll start by specifying the following parameters: 

  • Campaign Details

    • Campaign name - Make sure to use consistent naming conventions. Callers can see the names of campaigns.
    • Campaign description- The description is visible to callers, so you can use it to give them brief instructions to guide their calling experience. This is also a great place to let your callers know who to contact if they have questions about their assignments.
  • Campaign Time & Dates

    • Campaign active dates - Start and end dates that the campaign will be callable. The start date cannot be edited, so choose your start date carefully. The end date can be edited after launching your campaign.
    • Time zone - The time zone where your campaign targets are located, which is used to determine when the campaign is open for calling.
    • Daily open hours - Open and close times: standard is the local time from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, but calling can start as early as 8 am, local.
  • Region Area Codes

    • Area code - Select the local area codes for the numbers for your caller ID. The regions work in priority order so that you will choose your first and second priority area codes for Region 1 and Region 2. We recommend using a broader selection for Region 3, such as US (All).
  • Target Your Campaign

    • Campaign script - Choose the script you want to use for this campaign. (If you have VAN scripts, they are located at the bottom)
      NOTE - By adding a script to a campaign, it cannot be deleted from your script page due to data preservation.
    • Select groups - add multiple Groups to your campaign. These are the people you will be calling. (Be sure to click "Set Base Segment.") Admins can use more advanced targeting to add and remove groups or create multiple passes on the same list.
  • PatchThru

    • NOTE - By adding a checkbox to "Add PatchThru targets to this campaign" option, a list of your account's PatchThru directory targets will be displayed for you to add to the campaign. Select from "Choose Targets" to add targets to the "Chosen Targets" list.

    • Screenshot of two sets of tables that contain lists of names. The table on the right has names with unchecked checkboxes, on the right, the names are checked.
  • Select Your Dialing Order

    • Dialing order - Order your contacts will be called. Your choices are by last name ascending and descending.

Once you have submitted choices for all of the above, the "Next: Choose Callers" button will change from dark grey to pink. Use that button to proceed to the next step! If the button remains grey, please check that all fields have selections.

NOTE - You can edit the following fields after launch: The campaign name, description, time zone, end date, daily open time, and daily close time.

Choose callers

Only callers who have a GetThru user profile AND have accepted an invitation to your organization can be added.

The campaign caller invite link is auto-enabled here. The campaign caller invite link allows users to add themselves to a campaign anytime once it is launched. You can choose to de-enable now, but the link cannot be re-enabled after launch. 

Callers can be added manually by clicking on their names in the left side box. Their name will populate inside the right-side box. If you do not see the caller you are looking for, send an Invitation. To move a caller from the list of callers, click their name from the right-side box.

Click "Review" to move on to the next step.

Review campaign

During the review stage of campaign creation, you should double-check all of your work to ensure that everything looks good. If you need to make a change, click the Campaign Details "Edit" button in the top right corner or click the Callers "Edit" button.

NOTE - The PatchThru Targets section will only be visible if you have added targets during step 1 of campaign creation.Screenshot of the Review step in ThruTalk campaign creation. At the top right, there is a pink "Edit" link highlighted with a green rectangle.

Once your campaign review is complete, scroll to the bottom of your campaign and click the "Launch Campaign" button. You will automatically be taken to your Campaigns Overview page.

Active Campaign

Once you launch your campaign, you can no longer make any edits to callers or groups, however, you can still edit campaign end dates and daily open/close times. You can also add callers by using the Campaign Caller Invite Link. Please note that callers cannot be removed from active campaigns.

While campaigns cannot be paused manually, you can edit the campaign's close time to a past time to make it "closed" and unavailable to callers. To reopen the campaign, you can then edit the close time to a future time. 

If you'd like to know the phone number you will be making calls from in your active campaign, please write to If you've already made some calls, you can find the calling number in your Campaign Dials Export.

Please check out our Campaigns Overview guide for further details on launched campaigns.