How to integrate your ThruTalk account with your VAN committee
Both ThruTalk and ThruText have two-way VAN integration. ThruTalk-enabled VAN API keys can import your lists from VAN and sync back script results from ThruTalk.
The integration process:
- Import contacts from VAN into ThruTalk: Import a VAN List into ThruTalk to create a GetThru Group by pulling the external contact list.
- Pulling survey data into scripts: By creating VAN-enabled scripts, you can import survey questions and activist codes into your scripts. Please review our guide on Script Mapping for more information.
- Sync data collected in ThruTalk to VAN; by using scripts with VAN-enabled mapping within campaigns, dial results will be synced to VAN. The starting question is preset to sync as Canvass Results and responses recorded in ThruTalk Survey Questions will be written back to VAN Survey Questions or VAN Activist Codes.
You will need to do 2 things to integrate your ThruTalk account and VAN committee:
- Request an API key from VAN.
- Send the following to
- VAN API Key, not as plain text (see below for suggestions on how to send your key safely.)
- Application Name - The application name is provided by VAN and will look something like "READE.001.relaydial" (or something similar)
- The form of VAN - Votebuilder, EveryAction, etc.
- The side of VAN - Would you like MyVoters, MyCampaign, or both configured?
- The name of the ThruTalk account(s) you would like configured.
For security purposes, we recommend sending the key itself separately using a site like or while emailing the other information listed above and any additional information to
Getting started
To get started, you will need a VAN API key to link your ThruTalk and VAN accounts. You can request the VAN API key and application name from within your VAN committee by navigating to the API integrations page in the sidebar. Then, you will want to click on "Request an API Key":
NOTE - If you cannot find this page, you will need to contact your VAN administrator or the person who created your VAN account to request this information.
You will want to request a key for the"ThruTalk/Relaydial" integration. Once you submit this request, a VAN support ticket will be opened where your VAN administrator can authorize the request:
Once your key request has been authorized, you will be provided with a link to navigate back to the API Integrations page to generate your key.
EveryAction/NGP8 users may require two keys - one for MyVoters and one for their EveryAction/NGP8 account. Please inquire with your VAN/EveryAction admins for your committee's API key needs.
Once a key has been generated, it will be listed in the same section, but in place of the 'Generate Key' button, there will be a '...' menu with an option for regenerating; this will disappear after 7 days to avoid unintentional issues with active integrations.
NOTE - If you regenerate your key, it will break any existing integration with your ThruTalk account until the new key is sent over to us at and applied.