Breakdown of the Call Results options

The system makes calls in the background to ensure your callers spend their time talking to contacts. There are 5 system results where the call was never connected to your callers and 8 call results selected by your callers from the script:

  • System Call Results:
    • No Answer
    • Busy Signal
    • Not Dialed
    • Deliverability Error
    • Voicemail
  • Script Call Results
    • Deceased 
    • Deliverability Error
    • Moved
    • Not Home/No Contact
    • Refused
    • Talking to Correct Person
    • Voicemail
    • Wrong Number

Call Results notes:

  • Voicemail: This is both a caller result and a system result. If the system detects a voicemail and we don't transfer the call to the caller, no caller's first/last name will be in the result row. Phone numbers that we marked as VOIP in the group upload have an outsized chance of being determined to be a person and transferred to a caller when they are, in fact, a voicemail. This is because we are erring on the side of caution when applying voicemail detection.
  • Deliverability Error: This is both a caller result and a system result. Callers use the Deliverability Error script result to mark any out-of-service calls.
  • No Answer: If a caller does not record any script data, the call result will be "No Answer" but have a caller's first & last name. Dropped calls are also recorded as "No Answer."
  • Not Dialed: Numbers that were attempted outside of a safe timezone (11 am-9 pm ET) and the phone number's area code did not match the selected timezone. The number was determined not within the safe time when it was attempted. Admins should plan to create a group so that these numbers can be reattempted during safe calling hours across all time zones. Please review Dialing Hour Enforcement for more information.
    NOTE - You are not billed for "Not Dialed" results.
  • Script Call Results: These are caller-entered results and will always have a caller's first/last name in those columns.
    NOTE - Script call results are broken down by caller in the Caller Activity Details report.

Admins with VAN integrations, please refer to our guide on Call Results and Script Results sync to VAN.