Texting contacts during the ThruTalk call

During script creation, admins can add Instant Follow Up question types. Instant Follow Up enables callers to text the contact while still on the call. Texting your contacts is a great way to collect valid cell phone numbers and send additional information/links that a contact can use to engage with your organization or cause. 

Instant Follow Up texts are sent through a toll-free number, which differs from your campaign's calling number. (Replies sent to the toll-free number are not retrievable.)

Using Instant Follow Up

Instant Follow Ups are added to scripts like any question type but require using at least one branch in a branching script. When building a script, admins should:

  1. Build their script to the point where the Instant Follow Up will be inserted.
  2. Add a multiple-choice question first asking if the contact wants to receive a text message with more information.
  3. Add an Instant Follow Up by selecting it from the "Select a question type" dropdown menu.Screenshot of an expanded menu of black text on a white background with the second option, 'Instant Follow Up,' highlighted in teal.
  4. Write out the content of your text message. For best results, be engaging and brief! (Callers cannot edit and are not shown Instant Follow Up text.) Please note that custom variables are not available in Instant Follow Up texts at this time.
  5. Add an additional question type to create a branch for declined text messages in the script.
  6. Return to the multiple choice question and branch the script to (and away from) the Instant Follow Up appropriately.
  7. Continue building the script!
    NOTE - While creating a script, if the Instant Follow Up is above the question that branches to the Follow Up, that multiple-choice question cannot be the last question in the script. An additional question is needed below it.
Instant Follow Ups are a great way to send links to contacts! The best links are branded, US based, and unique to an organization.

How callers interact with Instant Follow Up in scripts

Callers have the critical task of collecting and confirming valid, textable numbers when sending Instant Follow Up messages. For details on best practices, check out our Instant Follow Up guide for callers.

Exporting Instant Follow Up data

When a caller sends an Instant Follow Up message, the texted number is available in Account Campaign Dials exports. If the caller attempts to enter multiple numbers into the Instant Follow Up text input box, only the final number will be visible on the export.