GetThru API for Account-Level Opt Out Exports

We have developed an API endpoint that you can use to programmatically access your opt out export on a nightly basis. The API endpoint provides the same daily opt out file that we drop into an S3 bucket for clients who have S3 exports enabled. We developed the endpoint to meet the needs of clients who prefer not to use S3.  

Instructions for Accessing GetThru Opt Out File API 

  • Open the PDF for the technical documentation
  • You will need to set a bearer header like: Authorization: Bearer unique account token 
  • When you make an HTTP GET request at the above endpoint with the header set as above you will get back a JSON blob with a url field containing an S3 link to the daily opt out file 
  • Note this is an early preview API and we may replace/augment it in the future. We will provide significant advance notice before making any changes. 

If you wish to use the API endpoint, please reach out to [email protected] and we will send you a unique account token and unique URL via OneTimeSecret.