Setting permissions in your folder for ThruTalk
The second step to completing your VAN API Key integration in ThruTalk is configuring your VAN folder. Follow these steps to obtain and set up a ThrutTalk VAN key.
Step 1: Set VAN permissions in your VAN folder
Before you can "pull" lists from VAN to ThruTalk, you must grant the ThruTalk API permission to access your lists in your VAN folder.
NOTE - Not all VAN committees can interact with the above checkmark. If you're can't toggle the checkbox, please move on to Step 2: VAN folder creation.
Step 2: VAN folder creation
You will then want to create a dedicated folder of lists and provide permissions at that level by editing your folder settings. Here's what those permissions settings look like in VAN:

Step 3: Save the list to your folder
Once you've set up your folder with the proper permissions, create lists in VAN that you want to move over to ThruTalk, and make sure they are in the appropriate folder as a saved fixed list.
NOTE - Your lists must be saved as fixed lists, NOT dynamic searches. If saved as searches, the VAN API will not populate lists in ThruTalk.